Sorc’d Makes the Researching and Writing Process Smoother with Cloud-Based Content Curator That's Integrated with Office 365 for Easier Collaboration

Highlight and organize snippets of information you find relevant directly from within your browser. Combat the wasted hours professionals spend every week searching and gathering information. Save only the important pieces with automatic linkbacks to the original source. Say goodbye to bookmarking, and copying and pasting forever.

Recall snippets you've found or discover new ones from others within the cloud-based repository of invaluable information. Small snippets are universally accessible and easily digestible, providing the perfect solution to the majority of professionals who say their quality of work suffers because they can’t sort information fast enough.

Cite and source snippets with a single click directly within Office 365. Choose to have original source URLs built in or after snippets you import. Re-researching will be a thing of the past once you install the Office Add-in that features all the same functionality as your Sorc'd account. Finding and using supportive evidence is easy.

Export snippets of material from within Office 365 documents to add to your repository of invaluable information. Keep track of where all the relevant information is located on your shared server. Find out why 76 percent of executives believe that information is the most important asset of their companies.
Customer Reviews of Sorc'd
“In any business, time is money, and I was losing both to inefficient information storage and recollection…Sorc’d is a total lifesaver for an agency writer like myself.” – Matthew Kaplan, Senior Content Manager at Brafton Inc.“Sorc'd gives our joint users the tools they need to be as productive as possible with seamless integration into Microsoft Office products."- Rob Howard, director, Office 365 Ecosystem, Microsoft“Without too many bells and whistles, Sorc’d has all of the highly intuitive tools that are designed with the end goal in mind – to build stronger content, faster.” – Peter Herrnreiter, VP, Digital Marketing & Measurement, Imagination